BetterCookie961 Modules(Functions, Libs)


The module is used to calculate the factorial of a number.

Download factorial


Modulus is used to raise a number to a power.

Download degree


The module is used to obtain a specific number from Pascal's triangle.

Download pascal


The module is used to obtain a random number with min and max restrictions.

You need:

1st cookie is your max.
Another 4 empty cookies for calculating.
Result will be in your 1st cookie.


Starting 1st "max" cookie should be the last cookie on your line.

Download randnum


The module is used to calculate the Fibonacci number by serial number.

To use you need:

0 cookie is the serial number of the number.
3 more empty cookies for counting, at the end the module will clear them all and they will be empty again.

The result will be at 0 cookie.

Download fiblib


The module is used to separate the last digit of a number from a number.

You will need:

1st cookie - our initial number is there.
2nd cookie - the result will be here.
3 more empty cookies for calculations.

At the end of the calculations, the module will clear those 3 cookies for calculations and they will be empty again, and it will move the “pointer” to a cookie with a number without the last digit, and the 2nd cookie will contain the last digit itself.

Download NumTrimLib

Don't forget to look at the code of modules before using them - this is the best instruction!
